【WELCOME!】Anji Shangshu private high school from Zhejiang, China


33 students and staffs of Anji Shangshu private high school from Zhejiang, China led by Mr. Dan Wang paid a visit to Tokyo International Exchange College Ikebukuro on the 17th of November.

Seiko Hayama(CEO), Kazuyo Matsumoto(Principal of the Hachioji campus), Koki Ezaki(Principal of the Ikebukuro campus), and all teachers from both campus gave the biggest welcome to our lovely friends from China who arrived on the same morning.

At the beginning of the exchange meet and greet, principal Matsumoto from Hachioji campus, principal Ezaki from Ikebukuro campus, and head teacher Dobashi gave their warm welcome along with a speech from Yiming Yang, an alumni who is now studying in a well-known university in Japan after graduating from both Anji Shangshu private high school and Tokyo International Exchange College Ikebukuro.

After the greetings, students had a lot of fun dressing up in Yukata following by our teachers’ directions. Moreover, we’ve provided them the chance to experience the making of a traditional Japanese cuisine, Norimaki. Students successfully made a giant Norimaki by mimicking the teachers’ tutorial, and it’s safe to say that the dish was a delight for their taste buds.

Though we didn’t get to spend much time, students from Anji Shangshu private high school have definitely had a fantastic time enjoying their first Yukata and Norimaki experience and a little glimpse into the traditional Japanese culture.